Wednesday, June 4, 2008

HOPE. a lotta love and a little bit of luck

The primaries are finally over. The networks made money on political advertisements. The pundits had fresh meat to growl over and never digest. The public endured the obscenity. Is it not time to change this system? Shorten it. How about a national primary lasting no more than six weeks? I guess I can live with three months of campaigning between (or better, among) the winners, but two months would be better. Many are bothered by the obscene cost of IRAQ . What about the cost of the primaries?

The money issue others me, but what really bothers me is the half truths and avoidance of thinking and true discourse that passes for news sharing and analysis.
People who never read anything about Liberation theology spout slanted opinions grounded in hate. I listened to Rev Wright's remarks on Bill Moyer and his presentation at the National press club, and I think He got a bad read by the "experts. I kept remembering James Baldwin's "The Fire Next Time". The way the political scenario is structured Obama had to come to a political conclusion, just as Wright had to be a pastor true to his inner self. Ignorance and Fear permeate our human environment.

Hillary's posturing and casting herself as a blue color champion deeply saddened me. She is better than that. Downing shots with good old boys and telling lies is demeaning both to her and good old boys. During the endless primaries I listened -as is my wont -to conversations around me at my favorite tavern. Three self proclaimed middle aged white republican men stating to one another that they were going to vote for Obama. That restored my faith in the possibility for all of us to rise above the shit in which we are mired. Yet the vicious jokes about Senator C_ _ _ from New York and Senator C_ _ _ from Illinois dragged me down.

For this 73 year old "do not go gentle into that good night" old provocateur the issues are straight forward. "Love one another or die" starts it off,followed by "keep on trucking/Hope against hope and be grateful for small surprises. We need to get out of Iraq in this spirit. We need to stop allowing the oil magnates to gather windfall profits while poor people are abandoning driving and losing housing. We need to live up to the few wonderful moments where the USA has tried to fulfil its promise.(The Marshal PLan. the responses of young people in WW2 and the rest of us who believed the were fighting for freedom) and other bright shining moments. Greed and avarice will consume us if we do not change.

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