Thursday, March 9, 2017

where have you been billy boy?

In and out, now and then,IN BETWEEN, on the edge of the heath,at the wrong place at the right time, Blacked out on a drive from the Rose Tattoo after five Martinis, until I drove into the farm driveway 55 miles later. Lucky. Under a cloud of bees naked on a blanket by the creek. I wrote a poem about it. She said :"You left something out.' "What"? "The sound they made."  In private conversation with Saul Alinsky about a year before he died when COCO plotted a workshop with him and his crew that resulted in getting two of his trained staff to spend two years in Philadelphia. In conversation with Neal Postman telling him I had to drop out of His Media Ecology program because my boss frowned upon my going to NYU instead of a Philadelphia College. I offered to be an Administrative presence on Saturday to make up for the five hours I missed on Thursday afternoon. Within weeks he had hired .a man steeped for twenty years as a low level administrator in the public school system He would stay in the lobby of 34th south 11th st. until fifteen minutes after classes started; then he would peak into scheduled classrooms to see if they were in session.I was not suited for that kind of job. I have been other places as well,but it's almost time for lunch and a black and white viewing of Gunsmoke.

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